· Have you ever tried dipping apple slices into caramel, while working on your homework? It is really tough! Your fingers get sticky, caramel gets all over your homework, and it takes forever to satisfy your desire for correct apple to caramel ratio and figuring out your chemistry homework!
Reason #1 to have a boyfriend…. He could feed you caramel dipped apples while you study your brains out! Now, that’s ROMANCE!
· Awful story: The other day I had an itch on my back! I know, awful right? Now there are two types of itches that can occur on the back: #1- When the itch on your back is where you can reach it, so it’s not really a problem, just a pain (in the back… hahaha!. I’m hilarious!) And #2- When the itch is on the center of your back and no matter how hard you try, you can't reach it!!! Now, in this story, it just happened to be a itch #2 …. It was awful! (Not to be confused with a regular #2, you know, toilet-talk terminology!) Any way--- There was no one there to scratch my back for me! Making it worse! I felt like the T-Rex from the Disney movie Meet the Robinson’s, “I have a big head and little arms. I'm just not sure how well this plan was thought through.”
Reason #2 to have a boyfriend….. You could call him at random times and have him come over and scratch your back for you! He would be like…. Your knight in shining armor!
· Have you ever had one of those nights when your roommates tell you that you have no friends and you’re a loser? And then you hear about a party and you have to go alone because you don’t know anyone who would actually want to be seen in public with you? (Awkward silence.) No...??? Oh, well this happens to me all the time.
Reason #3 to have a boyfriend…. You would have someone to crash parties with you, go rollerblading with you, and put jig-saw puzzles together with you WHENEVER you wanted!!! And all you would have to do is practice lip exercises with him. Sounds like a good deal to me! (Yes, I know, I’m sketchy! I apologize for those youngsters out there reading this blog…I should have warned you that it was rated PG-13.)
At this point in my list making, I couldn’t think of any other reasons of why having a guy around would be nice, but I did actually think of one more! (Weird, right? It was surprising to me too!)
· We’ve all has those night where we’re too lazy to cook anything, even though we’re hungry! And we want to watch a movie …. But we’ve seen every single one’s we brought to college with us and we don’t want to leave our house to rent one! Do you know what comes in handy at a time like that???
Reason #4 to have a boyfriend …. When you have a boyfriend…Most likely when you tell this, they will bring you dinner (Usually Mac & Cheese or a hamburger from McDonald’s) and a movie! Hopefully something romantic, so you can snuggle! If your boyfriend is a keeper… We’re talking about grade “A” marriage material here.. (And there isn’t a lot of those “possibly future husbands” left in the world…. But just in case this does happen, you should know….) If he brings you ice cream when you’re having one of these nights….. Marry him.If you do marry him, let me know, I’ll write you a list of reasons why it’s good to have a husband. (If you thinking “She’s not married, she doesn’t know anything about marriage! She cant write me a list!”… MY REPLY: “I’ll Google it!”)
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