Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dear John... Whoops, I mean Chad!!!

Dear Chad,

How's the mtc? Eh, don't answer that. I don't really care. Honestly, I'm just writing you to give you a reality check. Here it goes:

It shouldn't come as a shock to you that I have found someone else. Well, really, he found me. I guess he just couldn't resist. Who can blame him?

We met the day you left, actually. And shared our first kiss that same night. The next day, he told me he loved me at the exact spot that you declared your love to me as well. (Although it took MONTHS for you to say this to me. Clearly, he is more of a man than you.)

His name is Chad. What are the odds? Quite frankly he is a ba-zillion times more attractive than you AND a better kisser, if I might add. Not that I want to pour salt in your wound or anything.

We've decided to get married. I, of course, want a long engagement so that Chad will have time to earn enough money to buy me the ring I deserve. We're getting married July 25th, 2012. What? That's your birthday? Hmm. Get over it.

Chad wanted me to prove to him that I love him more than I ever loved you, so it only makes sense that we are sealed together for eternity, on the day that you celebrate your birth. Obviously, now, you will have nothing to celebrate, without me in your life. Since I was your EVERYTHING and all.

I just want you to know that I am not giving back the wedding ring you gave me. I'm going to sell it on Ebay and use the money to book mine and Chad's honeymoon.

I'm sure your heart is broken into a million pieces by reading this. I would hate to be you right now and have to deal with not having ME be apart of your life any more.

You'll probably never recover from this. Or be able to love again. I almost feel bad that you will go threw out your life mourning the loss of me. But then I think about how happy Chad and I are together, and I cant be sad about it!

Things have really worked out for me since you've been on your mission and I know that it was the right thing for you to do. My happiness is proof of that.

Well, I guess that's all I really have to say. I hope the mtc doesn't run out of tissues, since you will be balling your eyes out and all.

Before I end this letter, I would like to leave you with a spiritual thought. Moroni 10:22 "And if ye have no hope ye must be in despair." I'm sorry but there is no hope of you and I ever getting back together. I'm sure being in the depths of despair isn't that bad... Emo's do it all the time! And in a weird, creepy way... They seem to be okay with it!

Best of luck out in the mission field. Try to focus on serving the Lord.

Sincerely, Mrs. Better off without you!

..... Hahaha! Chad, I hope you like your "Dear John" letter from me!!! How is the mtc?? I really do want to know lol!! I hope you are enjoying yourself, I also hope this letter brightens your day! Congrats on being dumped in the mission field! You are now officially a HUMBLE servant of the Lord!! ;)

I'm so excited for my mission! Be sure to give me all the mission details!! Just in case you forgot I report to the mtc Oct 19th! I look forward to hearing from you!
Your friend, Britney Kay!! :)


  1. I was feeling really bad for this poor Chad kid til the very end! Hahaha.

  2. You are brilliant britney! I hope Chad sends you a "I don't care cuz I already broke up with you in my heart and I was faking my love the whole time anyway" letter.
